Darling Downs Vets Blog
Equine Vaccinations
Equine Vaccinations: We all want the very best care for our equine friends and vaccination is vital in equine health management. They allow us to protect our horses against many infectious and potentially deadly diseases. Below is some of the more common recommended...
New-born Foal Care
The first few hours of your new-born foal's life are critical and it is important to be able to identify those foals who may benefit from early veterinary intervention. Normal foals show a reasonably predictive pattern of behaviour after birth, and any deviations from...
Locking stifles. What does it mean?
The stifle is the horse’s equivalent to the human knee, and is therefore the junction between the bottom of the femur and the top of the tibia. The patella (knee cap) is a mobile structure that glides over the joint surface during locomotion, but can also be locked in...
Management of equine wounds Part 2 – more serious wound repair
Horse wounds often require vet treatment via suturing, bandaging or casting. Darling Downs Vets Westbrook Equine Unit is well equipped to handle major wound surgery. Complications of wound healing and solutions. In the last blog post we discussed first aid for horses...
Management of equine wounds Part 1 – what horse owners need to know
Horses injure themselves often. Darling Downs Vets (Westbrook and Oakey) advise on first aid then prompt equine vet treatment to ensure optimum healing and cosmetic results. Horses as a species are particularly prone to sustaining traumatic injuries, making wounds a...
Strong Foals. Straight Legs.
In our last bog post we reviewed the importance of strong immunity in newborn foals. Healthy foals also need strong, well conformed legs for successful growth and an ability to withstand the rigours of riding or competition. This article will describe some of the...
Strong Foals. Strong Immunity.
In Part 1 of this two-part blog on strong foals, we look at the role of strong immunity – including those mare, foal and environmental factors-that will give newborn foals the best start in life. Care of the brood mare. Good maternal nutrition and health, especially...
Tendon and ligaments injuries in performance horses.
A slow motion picture of a galloping horse shows the extreme hyper-extension of joints at speed and the vital combined roles of soft tissue structures in stabilising and supporting knees and fetlocks as well as the total weight of the animal and their rider. Horses...
New Solutions for Old Joints
Osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD) is a challenge that horse vets and owners are faced with commonly, particularly as performance horses grow older. It can be a challenging condition to manage, as no one solution is suitable for every joint, every...
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Oakey Vet Clinic

Oakey Clinic Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am–12pm
Sunday: Closed

Oakey Clinic Address
97 Campbell Street
Oakey, QLD, 4401
Wellcamp Equine Unit
Wellcamp Equine Phone Number
0408 452 846 (8am - 5pm)

Wellcamp Equine Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Emergencies: 24 Hour - (07) 4691 9000

Wellcamp Equine Address
379 Wellcamp Westbrook Road,
Wellcamp QLD 4350

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